Oh man, school is over.
That's always the happiest day of the year - the day you walk out of school and don't have to go back, at least till the new year.
This is not how I felt.
With every bye to each kid on their way out of the door, my goodbyes got shorter and shorter...
"Que te vayas bien, adios guapo, nos vemos pronto" to "hasta luego guapo" to "adios" to just no words and just two kisses on the cheeks. I found myself choked up quicker than I thought I would be. It wasn't until my 2 de eso Bilingual class came and all started just waving and walking bye and I said, um hold up. Then they all stopped and yelled nooooooo and swarmed my sides and I felt gigantic and then that was it. I was a gonner and had a huge 2nd bilingual group hug.
I loved my school this year. It was a fantastic year that I could and will never forget. I've learned more than I can even appreciate right now and owe the world to many patient and truly loving people.
(some of) my second bilingual math class
Fourth Bilingual Math class
(some of my) first level bilingual math class
First level bilingual math class
Second level non bilingual english class
All of second level - bilingual and non bilingual
Preciousness from third level bilingual
Third level bilingual - I had them for english and math
First level non bilingual english class - the bad boys
First level Non bilingual english class
This is Juan.He is the man.
I don't actually know what he is saying the majority of the time which isn't my lack of my spanish, it's because he makes up words. I think he's great tho. Also thought he hated me for the first couple of weeks. But we soon realized that just wasn't true.
He makes copies and locks up stuff. We talk about when we have to go to the grocery store a lot. Sometimes I'd see him there.
The dynamic father and daughter duo of breakfast time. I love these two. Not just because of that fact that till this day I haven't found a better place for a cafe con leche and una media con tomate y aceite, but that they were always the kindest people, every day.
And, Manolo wants me to marry his son.... probably not gonna happen but I found it as a compliment.
We were given a BEAUTIFUL book of all an the Andalucian towns, shown with amazing photography. I think they realized we really like photography because of the huge camera's that Sam and I always haul around. here's a link to Sam's blog - she's got a way with fotos :)
you know, dancing Sevillanas in the teacher's lounge. totally normal.
I love my school.
I will miss them immensely.
Especially one day when I think back on how this has been the best job I have ever had.
Also, the least stressful.
I hope in the year to come I can visit often (especially because I'll be teaching in Seville capital), and be able to sneak in a class or two, or all of them, and see them. Be able to go to my fav cafe for the best breakfast on the earth. And talk Supermercado with Juan.