Thursday, October 14, 2010

Till now...

I have had only a handful of classes under my belt. Which all have been math. I know only about two of the kid’s names, which are both Antonio’s. They seem to really like English. All levels of English are different but their system seems to work in this school. There are four levels of grades, 1,2,3,4 and high school is only till 16 years old. Of each level they are divided into Bilingual/Non-Bilingual for Social Sciences, Math, English, & History. Based on the teacher’s level of English, they have classes totally in English or at least once a week in English. In those classes the emphasis is more on giving the lesson in English as opposed to the content.

Honestly, they are good kids. Discipline and general classroom conduct is different.  They are LOUD and chatty. I am used to the deal when a teacher starts talking, the student shuts up and quick, or you get 5 demerits. I did go to a school that when an adult enters the room, the entire classroom stood up. Also I wore a blazer and a plaid skirt on the reg. So obviously this school is very different. We walk into a classroom today and it went like this: the teacher slams the books on the desk and yells ‘Everybody shut up’ of course in Spanish which isn’t as harsh but still gets the point across. Also, was completely necessary. I like all the teacher’s I get to assist. They’re just happy to have the help and are very welcome to any new ideas.

About Etepa, it’s adorable. I do fall in love with it more and more every day. It’s the cutest combination of cobblestone, narrow streets, old men on the corner, and tapas bars that give you free food for the purchase of a 2-euro beer while you watch spain win again. There’s nothing better. I have a bit of traveling to do this weekend so hopefully a picture or two will pop up next week. But I’ll leave you with these beauties from my past weekend in Sevilla to make sure I don't accidentally become a gypsy, other wise known as securing my residency in spain…

Down a calle sevillana with two brits and my fellow american.

La Catedral de Sevilla.

                                                  La plaza de Espana - early in the morning. 


  1. i love how you tell stories. you are my favorite story teller. rachel the story teller. how do you say in spanish?

    every bit of it is hilarious.

    "i know two kids names, both of them are antonios."

  2. hello! I am in Granada! I will be in Seville in November and have already been twice, I wish I had known you were there! We should catch up for tapas or something next time or if you are ever in Granada!
